In Events

LexMedia has made the difficult decision to temporarily close to the public until further notice.

Due to a surge of Covid-19, LexMedia will be closed until January 3rd. Enjoy the holiday season and we will see you in the new year!

UPDATE JANUARY 3RD: LexMedia has made the difficult decision to extend our temporary closure to the public until January 10th. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. This decision continues to be made in the best interest of the LexMedia staff; temporarily closing to the public is the most responsible decision we can make in the interest of the health of our community.

We will continue to monitor the current surge in COVID-19 cases and will make a call on reopening to the public on a week-by-week basis. Updates regarding continued closure will be made here.

Once again, we are prioritizing the health and well-being of our staff, volunteers, and members. Staff will be on assignment as previously requested; future coverage will be provided on an event-by-event case as we wish to protect our staff and community as much as possible during this time.

While closed to the public, we will continue to provide coverage of government proceedings and community events through live broadcasts and/or streaming and OnDemand viewing, and programming our access channels. 

UPDATE JANUARY 18TH: LexMedia will be re-extending our temporary closure to the public until Monday, February 14th. Future event coverage will continue to be decided on a case-by-case basis in order to best protect our staff and community. During this time, we will continue to provide coverage of government proceedings and community events through live broadcasts and/or streaming and OnDemand viewing, and programming our access channels. 

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